How can you go wrong with earthy tones, texture and wool? All the components of a great scarf, right?
Well... I started out knitting it up as a scarf and I totally did not like it.... not one bit. So midway through, I changed my mind and thought perhaps it would make a great bag. Nope.. not really a cool bag either, but that is what it ended up as.

Now, I could market this bag as a necessary accessory for your Halloween costume if you are dressing up as Wilma Flintsone or Betty Rubble. Or, I thought it would make a GREAT gift for your 'favorite' sister-in-law or co-worker. Then when you see them ask them why they aren't using that 'lovely' bag you gave them. (Guilty of passive-agressive behavior).
But I am just at a loss, so I am looking for your help to name this bag and give me suggestions on uses for this ugly bag. Please leave your comments here and just for fun we can come up with a marketing scheme and see if anyone buys it!
Don't forget to visit me on etsy, artfire and shophandmade
It's not THAT're just marketing it to the wrong group......I bet tweens would love it! How about "The Tweenie"?
I call it the "Cinnamon Honey" bag and it's perfect for carrying your cell phone, a pack of tissues, a lipstick, and a little wallet. It's also perfect for carrying your drop spindle and some fiber when you want to go spin while on the bus, or whatever. Nice feature: the wide handle that won't cut into your shoulder, and allows you to put funky pins or buttons on it as some people like to do. Won't show the dirt either!
Believe me, Valerie - your "ugly" is another's "perfect!" - I don't think it's ugly, but it kinda reminds me of a I would name it "blumbly bag"
You could call it chunks and market it as an air sickness bag! Just kidding - it's really not that bad.
no it is not ugly...reminds me of pebbles in the sand. that would be my choice, great texture. I buy stones that are so unusual and probably ugly to many but believe me a plain brick red marble stone with just a bit of gold looks really fancied up. I have sold more pieces that I thought were ugly for me but someone else just loved them. You really never know. Love it.
I wonder if it might look less aggressive if you felted it? I like the color, but the texture is kind of hairy !
It IS unusual :). The colors are pretty, but I can see your dilemma. I've been there -- started something and it just didn't do what I thought it would! Good luck with it - afraid I have no suggestions right now.
It reminds me of autumn leaves. I agree with the others - it really isn't that bad!
Val, I don't see it as UGLY! In fact, I think it matches an hat in my shop that I have named Buttercup! I have made several hats out of this wool mix and they sold really well both in my shop and several at a craft fair. I also have a Blythe hat like that that I have named Golden PopCorn. I love the texture of it!
How about calling it the "Lumpy, Bumpy, Ugly Bag" and marketing it as so ugly it's cute?
It's really kind of cool if you ask me. We actually had a scarf in our shop that I thought was pretty hideous but a customer snatched it up! She loved it. So you never know.
I don't think it's ugly at all and it reminds me too of pepples on the beach, so why not call it "Pebbles, the beach bag." I bet it will appeal to young people especially because it's unusual and very interesting. I just love texture and it's got a lot of that ;-)
Valerie - I actually like it. This is the second thign you have called "ugly" that I really like! Hmmmmmm.....How about giving it a person's name like all those funky stuffed animals that are on the etsy FP? Maybe.....Bella...or Wilma...or Bumble? I really do like it - maybe we can trade???? I would be proud to be the first one in Alabama with a Bumble bag! ♥, allie
I have another suggestion - why don't you just call it plain and simple: "The Uckly Duckling" and everybody knows (or should know) that the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan.
Besides, the name is catchy and young people will think it's cool.
LOL Valerie! I love that you want to market it as a bad gift!
That's hilarious! How about naming the bag "Ms. Fugly" and have a giveaway contest with it!
I kind of like it. i wonder what it would look like in other colors as well. I know I am a bit weird.
This is really a funky bag! Great color and texture! I agree with Cobblerscabin...someone will love it! May be back later with a name...have to think about it!
I love the bag!! How about autumn popcorn?
Is that Paton's Pooch?
Name it Boogie Bag, becuase it's the color of messy boogers.
I thought autumn leaves like others have and the autumn popcorn sounds really cool.
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