So I am running a contest to "Name the Sheep".

For the next 3 days, I will gather suggestions from you and on January 7th I will run a poll on my blog and ask for everyone to vote for the winner. On January 10th I will announce the winner ~~~ And the winner will receive this lovely knit scarflette. Valued at $25 this scarflette is knit with a wool/acrylic blend that is soft and functional. With three rows of classic cables and wooden buttons, it will keep your neck warm in style ~~

So all you need to do to participate is:
Leave a comment here with your suggested name for my sheep
Leave your contact information, either your etsy shop, artfire studio, blog address or e-mail address
Keep checking my blog between Jan 7 and Jan 10 to vote and see your progress
On Saturday, Jan 10th I will announce the winner and mail the winner the scarflette free of all costs!

So get your thinking caps on and come up with a name for my cute little sheep. I haven't decided if it's a ram or ewe yet... so all names are acceptable!
Have fun!
Please visit my etsy shop,
artfire studio and
ShopHandmade Store!
Sleepy Sheepy
He looks like a he to me -- possibly a "Basil" or an "Edmund" :)
To me, he looks like.....
a 'Hal' x val and Hal!!! what a team
How about " Ewewolly"
I'd name him Pluffy.
That is really sweet branding!
I would name her Cashmere.
My entry is " Baaaaaa-wren" http://crochetbouquet.etsy.com
Wooley. I have to think on this, Wooley is all I could come up with for now
Mint Sauce ;)
Your sheep is so cute and cuddly and looks like a girl to me.
I would name her cottontail.
Don't ask me why, but I think he looks like a Walter.
Is it a boy or a girl?
If it's a girl, how about Fur Elise? (yes I know sheep have wool and not fur, but it tickled me anyway)
If it's a boy, how about Woolford?
What a cute contest.
I think Ewegina would be fitting.
How about Shrek?
1. "Maw" First came to my mind lol
2. "Felt-ty" hehe doesn't have to be spell that way, but just to pronouce it right.
3. "Felt-lette" same concept as #2 =)
Good Luck with finding a name ^_^
I think she's a Purl.
What a cute pic! I don't have an Etsy shop but I have a blog.
and site:
Hmmm How about Shakespeare?
Felice is my suggestion but I also like the name mindy but I don't know that she/he/it looks like a mindy. maybe if a boy benson
Love it Val!
Since you specialize in felted wool, how about
Woolard Feltman
Hee Hee, sounds like it should have the third after it and he should live on an estate.
Great idea....
I am thinking Baaaaabara for a girl and Baaaab for a boy.
Corny huh? LOL ~That is how great minds think in this house!
Farnsworth the Felted Friend
Love the new banner and avatar! How about Bleep? Bleep the Sheep.
He is cute! At work in our instant messaging program there is a graphic of a sheep. We named him "Steve". To add a little fun to the day we IM each other and say "Steve says there is a staff meeting in room 101" Or "Steve says it's 5 o'clock somewhere" and then we pop the graphic into the message. He looks like Steve to me. = )
Hi Val, I think she looks like a girl and is oh so cute. I like the name Lamb Chop! ewe!!! Do you remember her she started in NY. LOL~
She looks like a "Daisy" to me!
Great banner and avatar too~
Thanks for the opportunity!
Ramundo Ram or Edwina Ewe
Shaun Sheep
I'm thinking Lambert. Remember back to your younger days, Lambert the "sheepish" lion. I know he's not a lion, but he looks cute and "sheepish".
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