I don't mind snow. Really, I don't. It makes everything so clean and pretty.
Typically, I enjoy it until one day in February I wake up and say, "OK, enough. It can go away at any time now."
It seems that day in February is coming sooner and sooner each year. In fact, it is still January and I said it already! But this is what we woke up to here in Central NY

Don't forget to visit me on etsy, shophandmade and artfire!
Thanks for the pictures, it looks lovely. That is as long as it is the weekend, I don't need to go anywhere, and someone else is shoveling and plowing me out !!
Makes for a pretty picture. Sitting here in souther Missouri, I would like to be llooking at that picture while in Mexico.
Lovely pictures. I remember those snow scenes well, having grown up in western NY. My brother in Rochester thinks like you - enough, already! Ready for Spring.
So beautiful. I hate to admit it for fear of rotten tomatoes being thrown at me, but I love snow! I don't mind shoveling, especially after a snow when the sun is shining or at night when it's peaceful. I love x-country skiing and snowshoeing. I love watching it fall. I do also love when it goes away and summer comes.
Oh, that makes me homesick for Germany...after all these years in the warmth, I still miss snow in the winter - I miss winter! There's nothing like cleaning out ye ole sinuses and getting the blood flowing like some icey cold air and fun in the snow.
Thanks for sharing those pictures, Valerie.
Beautiful! I wish it snowed where I live.
That is just beautiful!
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!! You've got to love it!
We're expecting another foot of snow on Tuesday if it doesn't turn to rain. Great pics!
Some years you have to wonder if spring will ever come.
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