New in my shop includes this softer than soft, whiter than white classic cable scarf. Made with a lucious acrylic/wool/nylon blend. I have named her 'White Lily'

Also new are 3 bangles. Two of which are felted using upcycled plastic bottles as the base which shows that being green can be beautiful. And one is a feastive knit covered bangle ~ great for those holiday parties!

Blue Stripes:

Silver Holday Cable:

This new set of nesting bowls are perfect to keep your holiday goodies hidden in each corner of your home and are appropriate to keep around all year! The maroon, heather and white colors are striking and they have double thick rims for extra sturdiness:

And to show your little one is part of Santa's Elf Team - This adorable set of felted elf booties! The sole measures 4 inches and would fit babies 6-10 months.

I tried something new with the left over yarn from White Lily and came up with a set of snowflake ornaments. Each one has metalic yarn through out and will sparkle when next to the lights on the tree!

And last but not least, this soft peach pin. Look for the matching scarf in my shop!

Whew ~ I think that was alot for one week! And I managed to do some holiday shopping and believe it or not, the laundry is all caught up too! I guess the saying is true... "if you need something done, ask a busy person to do it. They always find the time".
Come on in and visit my shop at I hope you will have fun!
Such sweet little things!
How lovely! The booties are really adorable, but that scarf is exquisite!
Wow, you did have a busy week. I'm impressed. I love the little snowflakes ornaments.
Fabulous creations, i can't decide which is my fav....
I'm a Valerie, too! I don't come across other Valerie's too often :)
I LOVE your nesting bowls, they are adorable and very practical.
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