Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Morning

Sunday mornings are my favorite time ~ The house is quiet as all other family members sleep in. Coffee never tasted so good as when I am exploring etsy and artfire at my leasure.

This week, I added 2 new items to my shop, both seem to have the same color themes.. which was not planned but just happened.

This set of wool nesting bowls remind me of the 70's - yes, we did have and avacado refridgerator in our kitchen!

And this golden wheat scarf was a test run that turned out beautifully! I tried a new knitting stitch that has become my favorite.. be on the look out for more in this pattern using wools and wool blends

Don't forget to visit me on etsy, shophandmade and artfire.


Momma J said...

Beautiful! The bowls do remind me of our old kitchen table - love those colors!


Hippie Dippy Designs said...

Those bowls and that scarf are amazing!! The colors in the yellow bowl remind me of the mustard yellow paisley couch we had in the 70's LOL

Brooke said...

What beautiful work you do!!

I have a few questions about how you've been selling your artwork, if you have a chance could you email me?

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Your work always amazes me. Love the colors in the scarf and bowls.