There are some books that will work their sleep magic on me after just a few paragraphs. Those are the books that take a few months to finish. But then there are others that are so interesting that I find myself going to bed a little earlier than normal and reading a little more before turning out the light.

Julie and Julia by Julie Powell is one of the more interesting books I've read in awhile. Right now, I'm about half way through and I am really enjoying this story. I'm not a good cook and to be honest, I really dread cooking, so it really surprised me that Julie and Julia has captured my attention. But as it turns out, the story is not really all about cooking, which is why I like it so much I guess.
I haven't seen the movie.. yet. I always like to read the books before I see the movie (and I usually wait for the movies to be be on TV, long after the hype of the movie is over).
So, it's early to bed for me until I finish this book. I highly recommend it if you like to laugh at everyday life.
Book Review Blurb from Google:
By Julie Powell - Little, Brown and Company (2006) - Paperback - 307 pages - ISBN 0316013269
Nearing 30 and trapped in a dead-end secretarial job, Julie Powell resolved to reclaim her life by cooking, in the span of a single year, every one of the 524 recipes in Julia Child's legendary Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Her unexpected reward: not just a newfound respect for calves' livers and aspic, but a new life--lived with gusto.
1 comment:
That book sounds cool... If I even picked up a book, I would nt be able to let go of it until I finish it.. Most time, I would be reading until 7am in the morning, sleep for 2hours before getting up to get breakfast for my kid.. :0p
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