Daryl and I are in year 6 of a total home make over. We bought an old farm house that really was ready for the bulldozer, but we felt complelled to save it. We spent the first 4 years tearing it apart and now we are slowly putting it back together.
Daryl is getting ready to finish the entry halls and the pantry and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be done by Christmas.
And although I wasn't ready to start thinking about decorating yet, I found this fabulous cupboard on one of my garage sale outings. I just had to have it.

This isn't a typical garage sale item. I found a woman who salvages cupboards, dressers and all sorts of wooden goodies from old homes. She strips them and re-creates wonderful accessories for the home. Her work is amazing. The end result is a beautiful and clean re-creation, while the original authentic design remains.
My kitchen is not really a kitchen at all right now. Unfortunately the kitchen is one of the last rooms to be put back together. Of course we have a sink, a stove and a refridgerator, but we have no cupboards. Until I got my wonderful cupboard I stored all our dry foods on open shelving. That is not the best method when the house is filled with plaster dust! This cupboard is PERFECT.

Linda - if you do happen to see this - THANK YOU! I couldn't be happier ♥