Picture a dentist office.
Ok, now that you have your vision in your head, picture this:
Hardwood floors, nice fireplace, beautiful scenic paintings on the walls and lovely decorative items on the fireplace mantel. In the center of the room, a dentist chair, complete with a back massaging option. Along one wall a high tech computer showing larger than life size xrays and along the other a huge bay window with a view of city traffic.
At closer look at the fireplace there are tiny cast iron black mice peeking around photo frames, popping out of the fire logs and hidden here and there through out the room.
Not your typical dentist office, but then my dentist is not typical. He is one of the most friendly people I know who is super considerate (LOVE the massage chair!).
Because his nick name is Mickey, people bring him mice that he displays in his office. So of course, I just had to add to his collection.
I found a great knit mouse pattern on ravelry by Dooley and Spud called
Jingle Mouse - Cat Toy. The pattern is actually a cat toy with a bell in the body, but I just stuffed mine as it won't be used for a toy. And I also used little black buttons for the eyes rather than embroidery.
It knit up in a flash and I think it will fit in nicely with his collection. So, the next time I go to the dentist, I will give him a little thank you for installing the massage chair.